About & Contact

BobMackin.ca is the production of Bob Mackin, a multimedia journalist in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, whose work has appeared in a variety of outlets, from the North Shore News to The New York Times.

Bob contributed The Investigators documentaries to CKNW AM 980 and is a regular guest on The Sport Market on Team 1040. He covered the Turin 2006, Beijing 2008, Vancouver 2010 and London 2012 Olympics. He is the author of several books, including Red Mittens & Red Ink: The Vancouver Olympics.

Follow Bob on Twitter @bobmackin. Confidential story tips and documents are welcomed. Send email to bob at bobmackin dot ca or fill out this form 



2 thoughts on “About & Contact

  1. Ara Hepburn

    Cheerful hello’s and Best Wishes to you and yours.
    Finally a way to contact you (never could thru Gold Rush site) to say Thank You for your hard work and dedication to truth and knowledge for us BC’ers.
    We can only imagine the frustration at the brick walls you hit trying to get info out of this Liberal secretive gov’t and it’s co-horts. But you keep going! You are truly Admirable and one of BC’s great citizens.
    All the Best……….

    1. bobmackin Post author

      Thank-you for the kind words. Best of the season to you and yours. I’m one small voice, doing my part, encouraging others to ask questions and demand answers of our governments. Whether it’s the federal Conservatives, B.C. Liberals or Vision Vancouver, they need to be constantly reminded the people are the boss. Our democracy is in a fragile state and must be strengthened. B.C.’s great citizens are those teachers, doctors, nurses, paramedics, firefighters, police officers and search and rescue folks who stay true to their professional duties to responsibly serve the public.


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